Late Summer Whale Watching
We receive so many questions about whether or not it is worth it to go whale watching in late summer that we thought we should post about it. While we will typically see the highest number of capelin feeders from mid July to mid August, whale watching season is not over yet! Let’s dive into what is happening out there at this time of year!

Capelin are the little fish that drive the ecosystem here. In the summer months, they come in to lay their eggs on the beaches. Nesting seabirds time the hatching of their chicks with the arrival of the capelin. Whales and many species of fish, come inshore to feed on the large schools of capelin. Even terrestrial animals like foxes and black bears will take advantage of the spawning fish, collecting them from the beaches and stashing them away for times when the food is not so plentiful. Later on in the summer, the capelin eggs that were laid on the beaches hatch and those larval capelin become food for squid. At this time, the capelin have moved a little further offshore, and herring and mackerel move into the area as well.

Are there still whales in Newfoundland in the late summer? There sure are! You just need to know where to look. Many areas will still have whales but they will no longer be feeding along the shore like they are during the capelin spawning period. This spurs a lot of conversation among people that the whales are all gone, but it is untrue. It is still possible to see whales a little further from shore — you will just need to do a boat tour to do so. Following postings on Facebook pages like Capelin Rolling, Squid Catching, Whale Watching NL 2024, St. Vincent’s – St. Stephens – Peter’s River, and ICEBERGS OF NEWFOUNDLAND will help you to get an idea about where the animals are around the province. Sea of Whales Adventures posts daily sightings every day on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and on Google.
Whales are spotted here during our entire season from mid May to mid October and beyond! We work very hard to move the boat to wherever the best possibility for seeing whales will be on any given day. It is possible to see fin whales, humpback whales, sperm whales, minke whales, white sided dolphins, Orcas, harbour porpoises and sometimes even pilot whales!

Late summer is also a wonderful time for seeing leatherback sea turtles, ocean sunfish, bluefin tuna and sometimes even a moose on the shore! If you have come to Newfoundland to see whales, and it is later in the summer, do not be discouraged. Research to find out where whales are being seen and get yourself there! We promise it will be well worth it!
If you have come to Newfoundland to see whales, and it is later in the summer, do not be discouraged. Research to find out where whales are being seen and get yourself there! We promise it will be well worth it!
Book your late summer whale watching adventure today and get ready for an experience you’ll never forget!
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