
A humback whale breaches high out of the water on a Sea of Whales whale watching tour on the Bonavista peninsula.

International Whale Research

Did you know your Sea of Whales adventure contributes to international whale research? Whales can ...
orcas swimming on the surface of Trinity Bay, along the bonavista peninsual. Whales frequent this region

Which kinds of whales can I see in Newfoundland?

Many people ask which types of whales you can see in Newfoundland. Here’s the low ...
humpback whale bonavista peninsula. whale tale

Best whale watching tour on the Bonavista peninsula

Are you ready for an adventure of a lifetime? Look no further than Sea of ...
Two kids on the beach in Trinity Bay, Bonavista. Blog post about things to do with kids around Trinity, NL.

Things to do with kids on the Bonavista peninsula

Looking for things to do with kids on the Bonavista peninsula? At Sea of Whales, ...
taking photos of whales on a smartphone from a zodiac boat tour in trinity bay, bonavista peninsula. Humpback whales are surfacing at the front of the boat.

Whale photos: How to capture great shots!

Capturing stunning whale photos presents a thrilling challenge. Afterall, you're aboard a rocking boat, contending ...
Solar eclipse artist rendition credit Canadian Space Agency

Solar Eclipse in Newfoundland

The skies of the Bonavista peninsula are some of the best for stargazing. This year, ...
sunlight glistens on a massive iceberg in Trinity Bay, Newfoundland along the coast of the Bonavista peninsula. The sky is moody, the sun is low and there is an arch through the centre of the iceberg.

Everything you need to know about icebergs in Newfoundland

There's something truly magical about witnessing towering ice sculptures, as they journey from the Arctic ...
A humpback whale breaks the surface next to a Sea of Whales zodiac boat on a whale watching tour in Trinty Bay, Newfoundland

What to wear for a perfect day of whale watching

When embarking on a thrilling whale-watching adventure, choosing the right attire is essential for a ...
An orca whale shows off its dorsal fin near Sea of Whales zodic boat tour. The coastline of the Bonavista peninsula, in the background, is showing its red and orange fall colours.

When is the best time to see whales in Newfoundland?

Are you curious about when is the best time to see whales in Newfoundland? In ...